It’s February!


Today is Saturday, Feb. 1, 2014.  I’m one month and one day over 70. Today, I feel fine.  No one asked me to play cards tonight so I am in for duration.  I am playing word games and reading; I will stay busy.

Tomorrow is Sunday!  It will be breakfast , church, lunch, and canasta.  Ate supper tonight with a new resident named Harry (96); he’s very sharp and very smart.  He taught languages in school:  English, French, Italian, and others.  HIs wife, now deceased, was a concert pianist.  He is very nice and easy to talk with.  We had a great time at dinner.

My friend Bea has given up on chemotherapy.  She has called in Hospice to help.  God has given her miracles in the past, so perhaps it’s not her turn to leave us.  Her doctors refer to her as the “miracle woman.”  They thought she only had 3 months to live and she’s been here 10 months. She is Greek and we have become friends.  I took her to many of her chemo sessions down in Jupiter.  she picked up a virus and has not been the same.  She’s very weak.  Please pray for recovery or a quick road to Heaven.  Either way is fine with her.  Thanks!